Persistence and Retention

2021-2022 PLC Products

In their PLC work this year, WKEC explored whether the possibility of external financial incentive would motivate those who need 1 or 2 more tests to finish the GED®. WKEC devised a local GED® promotion to coincide with bootcamp-style GED® instruction. WKEC staff will present highlights from their Don’t Stop Achieving Promotion and GED® Journey Academy; provide GED® assessment and instructional strategies that grew from their PLC product; reveal promotion results; and share a collaborative resource they designed to support their PLC product.

2020-2021 PLC Products

link to OCTC case management product page

The OCTC PLC chose to implement a case management program because data demonstrated that not all students were completing their educational goals. The staff felt that with a frequent and sustained contact and encouragement system (case management), OCTC could move more students to educational gains and the accomplishment of the HSE.

As featured in the MM/WW topic “An Introduction to the Case Management Service Delivery Model for Adult Education” facilitated by Kathryn Hardman on March 1 & 3, 2021.

link to Laurel County Literacy Council product page

The strategies in this project include a case management system for student tracking, GED® weekends, library experience bags, and the tablet program.

As featured in the MM/WW topic “An Introduction to the Case Management Service Delivery Model for Adult Education” facilitated by Kathryn Hardman on March 1 & 3, 2021.

2019-2020 PLC Products

link to JCPS product

The JCPS 2019-2020 Innovation Plan took a broad sweeping approach to addressing the needs and outcomes of their students. The JCPS Innovation Plan was designed to increase enrollment, MSG gains and GED attainments.

2018-2019 PLC Products

Picture of the Hazard CTC homepage for students

The Hazard CTC PLC chose to work on strengthening the use of instructional technology for both staff and students. Creating the learning portal will develop ABE and GED® student autonomy and help them persist even when they cannot make it to a face-to-face learning session.

small info card image

Southcentral Kentucky Community and Technical College Skills U decided to tackle ACES (Adverse Childhood Experiences).

KYAE-Created Student Facing Websites

The (DL)² PLC Student Engagement focus area group shared some AWESOME student-facing sites they found from across the state, created by KYSU instructors using free resources.

Do you have a KYSU-created student site we could include? Let Emily know (, and she’ll add it to the collection of examples.

link to JCTC Skills U website

Google Site with:

  • Student registration
  • Program locations
  • Staff photos and contact info
  • Announcements (banner at top)
  • Online learning resources (including links to curriculum product portals)
  • Calendars with Zoom schedules
  • FAQs
link to Webster County Adult Learning Center

Comprehensive Weebly site with:

  • General program information, mission, visio
  • Video lessons and worksheets
  • Online learning resources (including links to curriculum product portals and calculator resources)
  • Information about the GED® test with tutorials
  • Orientation slideshow and materials (enrollment form, distance learning log)
  • Success Gallery with student photos
  • Information on service area, services provided, and how to contact / inquiry form)

Video Tutorial for Creating Weebly Site

Google Doc with Links & Images to common sites

Bitmoji classroom with:

  • Staff photos and links to each Zoom room
  • Class schedule with access details 
  • Online learning resources (including links to curriculum product portals)
  • GED® Practice Tests and calculator practice

Bitmoji classroom tutorial

link to OCTC GED Science Site

Google Site with:

  • Study resources for the GED® Science test in a variety of media
    • Videos
    • Study guide
    • Vocabulary
    • Diagrams, charts, and graphs
  • Overview of what’s covered on the GED® Science test
link to OCTC GED Social Studies Study website

Google Site with:

  • Study resources for the GED® Social Studies test in a variety of media
  • Videos
  • Study guide
  • Vocabulary
  • Historical documents
  • Charts, graphs, and maps
  • Overview of what’s covered on the GED® SS test