link to WKCTC Outreach leads to other gains product

“World Flags Globe with Shading” by GDJ.


West Kentucky CTC PLC 2019 - 2020
PLC Goal: To increase outreach in Carlisle, Graves, McCracken counties which will increase enrollment,
recruitment, and gains by the end of April 2020.



Due to the ruralness of our counties, WKCTC Skills U wanted to be able to reach students who were unable to get to WKCTC Skills U Centers. The product contains practice to help us better reach those students. These practices include:


    • Bilingual fliers to reach the Hispanic community
    • Talking points when speaking to businesses about our program to ensure all information is being shared
    • TABE review booklets to help students produce gains
    • Chromebooks and hotspots for students that do not have access to internet or a computer for testing
    • Implementation of online learning programs, such as IXL, Paxen Focus, Aztec, Google Classroom, and Burlington English
    • Study Buddies come with lessons pertaining to RLA, Science, Social Studies, Math, ESL Spanish, and Civics


These products were chosen to promote a more flexible, remote learning experience for students who are unable to attend the “brick and mortar” class setting. In return, our recruitment efforts will improve, along with the enrollment and gains.



This year has been a very complicated year in adult education.  Some of the challenges come from within and others come from outside sources.  In order to successful implement our PLC, we first need the manpower.  We, as a whole, are stretched thin.  From Tammy and Monty in multiple meetings and recruiting for GED Plus, to Bobbie handling files in all three locations, to instructors covering multiple classes in multiple locations, we are all busy.  Which leads to the next issue, finding potential, qualified employees.  Few are able to pass the TABE test on their first try.  Many are able to pass parts, but few, if any, are able to pass the whole test. The lack of staff also makes it difficult to recruit businesses.


The ongoing pandemic of Covid-19 has greatly limited the ability for us to effectively and efficiently do our jobs.  We have no access to student files, nor are we allowed to “see” students.  The “stay at home” order has completely halted our public appearance.  The pandemic also caused us to rush in creating and implementing our online launch.


We have to follow the policies and procedures of not one institution, but two.  We have to follow the guidelines of the college as well as Skills U.



Although the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic has drastically changed the way we teach, reach, and communicate with students, it has forced us to expedite our plans to promote more online learning. We have had many “mastery” moments during this increasingly difficult time.


We have been forced to move from the “brick and mortar” classroom setting to more remote learning.  We are using more technology.  With the purchase of Elmos, we are able to produce videos that students are able to watch.  The list of different learning programs from Skills U has made it possible for us to use many different programs.  Tammy has purchased IXL, Aztec, Burlington English, and Paxen Focus.  Zoom meetings has also made it possible for us to speak face to face with our students. The purchase of Chromebooks and hotspots has given students without the ability to participate in classes to now be able to do so.


Prior to the pandemic, Graves County Skills U had begun classes at the Mayfield Plaza Apartments.  We were about to outgrow this location.


WKCTC Skills U was promoted in the WKCTC Daily Digest to let others know that we are still working to assist students in obtaining their GED.


We, as a team, have become very tech savvy.  We are on top of many of the technologies that are available to online learning.

Results of Product – Coming Soon


Due to the pandemic, it will be difficult to evaluate the effectiveness of our products.  By the time all was converted, the pandemic hit, giving us no time to post-test.


We do know that with the bilingual fliers, our ESL program has increased the number of students attending classes.  We have three locations for ESL classes; WKCTC main campus in McCracken County, Skills Craft Training Center in Hickory, and Mayfield Middle School in Mayfield, KY.

Excel download

Data Comparison March 2019 and March 2020



For another provider to replicate our bilingual fliers, they would need to change the information from our center to theirs by following the steps below:


How to Create a Bilingual Flier from KYAE Marketing Materials


    1. Go to KYAE website
    2. Click on Marketing Materials
    3. Choose your desired flier
    4. Download flier
    5. Edit flier with your Skills U information (phone number, address, office hours, schedule) with a marketing software, such as Adobe Creator, Paint Pro Shop
    6. Have someone who speaks formal Spanish to translate the flier and make sure they show it to three or four others that speak Spanish from different countries
    7. Print and distribute



Steps to Create Bilingual Flier From Scratch


  1. Open a marketing software of your choice
  2. Choose a catchy picture the represents school or what you are trying to “sell” or use a picture from your students (with their permission). Others will recognize their face in the community and will be more effective.
  3. Put in information you are using (times, dates, place, rules, phone #)
  4. Use large, brightly colored letters for important information that needs to be seen right away (FREE GED CLASSES, FREE ELS CLASSES) (Use a font that is easy to read, such as Black Arial)
  5. Use black lettering the details (Black Arial font)
  6. Choose which type of flier you want to use (1/2 printing on both sides, used for bulk distribution, full page, used to display information in windows)
  7. Make sure the right people approve your material before printing (PR, director)


Steps to Create TABE Review Booklet

  1. Take the TABE test in all levels to familiarize yourself with the content on the tests
  2. Open up a Word Document
  3. Create your own sample questions (not questions from the tests)
  4. Format the questions as they appear on the test
  5. Use Steck-Vaugh, TABE Tutor books, internet (Kuta Software)
  6. Have another instructor to review the questions for input
  7. Print and use
  8. Contact WKCTC Skills U for a copy of our booklet



Steps to Create Talking-Points

  1. Identify your audience (We all talk about GED and GED+ together)
  2. Describe the services that you offer (office hours, locations, class schedule, phone number)
  3. The talking points is a time for you to brag on your program and tell them why they should choose your program over another.

Documents for Replication


PDF Download                                          Word Document                                              Word Document                                  Word Document                                        PDF Download

ESL Half-page Info                      Editable Version of ESL Half-page                            Talking Points                    Editable GED+ Spanish Version                    GED+ Spanish Version


PDF Download                                                            Word Document

GED® Ready Math Review                                    TABE 12M Math Review