Hardin Skills U corrections poster linked to their PLC product site
Hardin BOE Skills U PLC 2018-2019
Hardin County BOE consortium decided that the best way to increase enrollment was to develop more creative marketing plans and partner with local businesses and school systems. Enrollment is the basis of all other successes: Increased GED® graduates and MSGs cannot happen without people walking through the doors. Better, more creative marketing that leverages partnerships with businesses and schools can help increase awareness of and enrollment in our program.



Marketing materials to help increase awareness for community partners and businesses, as well as parents and guardians.


We felt we needed to increase awareness of who we are and what we offer so that individuals would know.



There were a lot of areas we could have addressed, but some required more extension solutions than others. We knew that beginning with increasing awareness would be a smart move to bring new people in to our programs.



We worked very well together as a team. We understand the need to ensure improvement in our programs in order to make a difference in our communities.



1) Design a new flyer for parents and disseminate it to schools for students to take home- in their backpacks, at parent gatherings, at school nights.


2) Collaborate with the FRYSC and Title 1 Coordinators about upcoming events/ programs to meet parents/guardians and handout informational flyers.


3) Connect with local employers, members of the Chamber of Commerce and staff at Probation and Parole to talk about the benefits of your programs and provide them informational flyers.


Since the brochures are in Word format, you can just update the documents with your own personal information.



1.  Identify Skills U staff as leads in each county.


2. Initiate contact with Title 1 or FRYSC Coordinators regarding upcoming events and programs to determine if a Skills U staff person can attend and speak with parents; provide marketing handouts. Log contacts, events held, number of parents engaged in each event, and number of parents who followed up.


3. Develop and disseminate a brochure or flyer for parents. Put the flyer in children’s take-home folders or backpacks (partner with schools, FRYSC.


4. Develop and disseminate brochures or flyers targeted to local employers and other pertinent audience members, specifically Chamber of Commerce, Probation and Parole.


5. Keep track of inquiries and walk-ins, how the heard of the program, as well as any change of employer policy or interest.