Blank Documents for Replication
The JCPS 2019-2020 Innovation Plan took a broad sweeping approach to addressing the needs and outcomes of their students. The JCPS Innovation Plan was designed to increase enrollment, MSG gains and GED attainments. To accomplish this goal, the JCPS PLC developed five teams. Each team identified specific products, strategies, or processes that would address their selected area.
Action Plans
The Call Center will develop a systematic way to electronically track calls, call backs, testing appointments, etc. This system is critical to program success – using this systems ensures consistency and a systematic approach for follow up. The use of AppointmentPlus will enable the JCPS Skills U to have an in-house place to store student information that’s not in KAERS, such as teacher notes.
The Partnership team will compile a reference list of current partnerships and what is provided by those partners, with a goal to provide staff and students with more access to information that they need. The Partnership team will explore opportunities for more community-based partnerships. The Partnership team will work to expand knowledge within communities about programs that can be accessed. The goal is to extend advertising without accruing more costs through free promotional opportunities.
The team will survey instructors to identify data needs and analyze the results of the survey to share with staff as a way to streamline programmatic needs.
It was determined that Appointment Plus software would be used to address intake, set up schedules for TABE test, follow-up with students). Two user guides were developed for use by intake personnel at each program location.
The Partnership Team developed a spreadsheet that documents both places and events where they advertised Adult Education/Skills U programs. In addition to marketing opportunities, PLC members reached out to locations that might be able to serve as connection points or to co-location of classes. In addition, the Director reached out to the library to explore opportunities for providing GED testing. Through the partnership/community work, JCPS now has Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter accounts. The Partnership Team and other JCPS Skills U staff made 68 unique contacts within Jefferson County to advertise their programs.
Eligibility requirements were established to help re-engage students who had stopped out of classes to resume instruction through distance learning. Outreach efforts were expanded to include Online options for students who had been disengaged due to work, illness, or other obstacle. After COVID-19 shutdown, JCPS contacted and surveyed 1,400 students by email; conducted follow-up contacts via Google Voice and Text; and conducted additional contacts (teachers). From that outreach, 190 ABE students expressed interest and 382 ESL students expressed interest.
Distance Learning Participation Rate
A staff wide survey was developed to assess the needs and gaps in data as it pertains to roles and reports used throughout Adult Education. The survey was sent to all staff; thirty responses were received. The following were the key takeaways:
Due to COVID-19 shutdown, all PLC participants began working on methods to provide more instructional choices for students with the focus on synchronous and asynchronous instruction.
Results of Product
Data is incomplete due to Covid-19 restrictions. Preliminary results are as follows:
*Results: Based on data as of 3rd quarter, JCPS had attained
Note: JCPS was on track to meet the enrollment goal and to potentially meet the MSG goal. GED attainment goal was problematic in part due to testing limitations.
The following are recommendations for others who want to replicate the products, process, and/or strategies from the JCPS PLC Innovation Teams.
Call Center
Providers would need to
Data Roles
Providers would need to
Providers would need to
Distance Learning
Providers would need to
Blank Documents for Replication