Somerset CC Skills U PLC 2018-2019
By April 26, 2019, Somerset Community College KY Skills U will utilize social media platforms Instagram, Facebook and Twitter to increase community awareness of Skills U programs and will generate a minimum of 500 views, likes or followers.

(NOTE: The PLC was advised by the fiscal agent’s marketing department not to create Twitter accounts due to the political nature of the platform and the fact that Twitter activity/response has been traditionally low.)

Pulaski Skills U Facebook Page

Pulaski County Skills U Facebook Profile picture

Casey Skills U Facebook Page

link to Casey County Skills U page

Russell Skills U Facebook Page

Russell County Skills U profile picture

Wayne Skills U Facebook Page

link to Wayne county skills U Facebook page

McCreary Skills U Facebook Page

Link to McCreary County Skills U Facebook page



    • We had originally also wanted to use Twitter for outreach, but the PLC was advised by the fiscal agent’s marketing department not to create Twitter accounts due to the political nature of the platform and the fact that Twitter activity/response has been traditionally low.
    • There was quite a bit of red tape involved in working with the community college’s marketing staff. They were not convinced that each KYSU center needed its own social media presence, since the college already has accounts.
    • The PLC project Lead working with KCTCS marketing staff was able to provide a convincing argument that KYSU needed to be able to measure each county program participant individually in order to be able to assess social media impact with individual county enrollment and obtainment numbers.
    • Initially, a detailed Social Media Needs Assessment form was required from KCTCS, resulting in too much bureaucracy. The PLC project Lead was able to get the form required waived, which made the process run more smoothly.
    •  The PLC encountered challenges with Facebook over advertising target audience. It took quite a bit of time and discussion to receive approval for what Facebook initially deemed “discriminatory practices” because we were trying to narrow our focus to a certain age group. The PLC project Lead working with Facebook was finally able to show evidence of our mandated targeted audience in order to have the “red flag” lifted from the accounts.
    • We ran into technical issues in the beginning – especially with Instagram. An e-mail account work-around that involved the KCTCS IT department was time consuming.
    • In addition, we encountered some log-in issues with Instagram. Being limited to a certain number of Instagram accounts was confusing, but is unavoidable due to the platform’s design. If the project had more lead-time, we would have started sooner to work out the “kinks” and time challenges with campus IT.
    • We ran into an unexpected roadblock of a steep learning curve using new technology. If the project had more lead-time, we would have sought out additional training and had more time to “play around” with postings, etc.
    • Institutional delays and processes, in general, were frustrating. We started to make connections quickly, but the short turn-around window for the project didn’t leave much “wiggle room” for delays.



  • A post from one of the county’s Facebook pages about distance-learning opportunities generated a number of phone calls and inquiries.
  • Several new prospective students messaged programs on social media platforms, reaching out to see how to enroll, next steps, etc.
  • The PLC process developed team-building skills and good working relationships between center staff. PLC members had an opportunity to get to know colleagues better. Working on the product together allowed PLC members to work together with new people for the first time. The PLC format was very good.
  • People respond well to seeing others celebrating achievements. Posting these accomplishments and photos on social media encourages the student and their friends, families and others in the community.
  • Family engagement increases around seeing loved ones reach milestones. Family members are so excited for their student’s success that they tend to share the post with others, further increasing awareness of KYSU programs in the community.
  • The ability to quickly and easily highlight and celebrate a number of achievements – passing sections of the GED®, certificates, etc. – is a positive aspect of utilizing social media. Posting items of this type lets others considering getting their GED® know that “they can do it, too!”
  • The nature of social media programs makes it quick and easy to spotlight those enrolling in college and those participating in programs like AOKY and GED+.



PDF Download    Somerset CC Social Media Numbers

picture of math facebook post
picture of a social studies passer
image of Casey County Facebook post