link to MSU PLC product FY21

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Morehead State University Skills U Program PLC 2020-2021
After COVID-19 shuttled planned outreach to connection sites, MSU decided to shift its focus to providing a variety of distance learning options for study at home. The program created a detailed collaborative Google Sheet to track students’ resources, scores, and more to track the effectiveness of the products. As of November 20, 2020, MSU programs had achieved 54% of its SMART GED® Goal.



We created a detailed collaborative Googlesheet that detailed each student’s initial scores, hours, print materials, online program use, and GED attainment progress by subject. This enabled us to analyze how many students were officially enrolled, how many had started but had fewer than 12+ hours, what print materials or programs they were using, and how close each student was to GED attainment. We can see from our spreadsheet that instructors prefer many different programs. Fast Forward is the most widely used online program. The Study Buddy consoles are quickly gaining traction and boosting student engagement. Many instructors like Steck-Vaughn/Paxen or NRP Scoreboost print materials. The instructors also responded to a survey about their preferences with print and online programs in order to inform the program director of instructors’ preferred resources. She will use this data to inform budgetary decisions for next year.



Some messy moments were related to learning so many distance learning platforms or programs. Each instructor had a different level of comfort with technology, and there was a learning curve with each new program. Instructors were later given the choice to learn a few programs well and use those with students.


Another messy moment is the sheer number of our students who don’t have all the necessary parts to receive online instruction or to take remote proctored tests from home. Students must have up-to-date devices, a strong internet connection, a webcam, a quiet place to learn, etc.


Because there was such a rush to fill a Google Classroom shell in March, one instructor noted that she felt like this wasn’t her best work. She feels that she could improve the Google Classroom activities for students if given more time.

Results of Product


PLC Goal:

By late November 2020, MSU programs will have made available a variety of at home study options including technology, new printed materials, and online programs and will have helped 35 students earn their GEDs.



As of November 20, 2020, our programs have helped 19 students earn their GEDs. That is 54% of our SMART goal.

    1. We have offered students as many choices as possible for distance learning: Macbook checkout, print materials, numerous online programs, and even Study Buddy consoles to check out.
    2. We are excited that we have 25 students throughout our programs who have completed 3 out of 4 GED subject tests. Interestingly, almost all of these students lack only the GED math test. We want to see if targeted use of Study Buddy for math will help these students complete their GEDs.



    1. One mastery moment was the teamwork and collaboration that has taken place since March 2019. Instructors have developed a growth mindset, discussed ideas, or called to share good news or to offer support regarding questions about remote testing or online instruction.
    2. We are excited that our recent Study Buddy purchase has stirred up some enthusiasm for studying among our adult learners. Alicia shared an encouraging story of a student who had failed the GED Science test multiple times but passed with a high score after using the Study Buddy. This student is now working on math with the Study Buddy.
    3. Another mastery moment was all the effort it took to reopen all our centers with all the COVID-19 restrictions. Our centers have been open to students since August, and that is a testament to the dedication and effort of all instructors and staff. Our College and Career Navigator thanked everyone for making a safe atmosphere for students at each center.
    4. Our Distance Learning Lead has devoted numerous hours to learning new programs to present to fellow instructors in a user-friendly way.
    5. We celebrated our improved proficiency and comfort level with Zoom and distance learning programs. Instructors have learned OP-GED, remote-proctored TABE, and remote-proctored KESC guidelines in order to give students opportunities to test and earn credentials. The instructors are also working to establish new testing centers in the counties in which students live.
    6. Furthermore, we learned each of our instructors had a different skill set that helped improve our online instruction. Instructors have collaborated to create program-wide Google Classrooms for various subjects during the COVID-19 pandemic.
    7. Another mastery moment was the continuance of Opal’s Zoom class at a local rehabilitation center throughout the pandemic. This class is growing in the number of students who are attending. Opal has also worked with the Rowan County Public Library to provide hotspots from the library to students at the center.



A collaborative spreadsheet/workbook for tracking products, students, etc.

Ensure FERPA compliance with student identities on the workbook, if the workbook is shared in an unsecure cloud location (ie., Google Drive — non-paid account).

A data-assessment specialist to track and enter student numbers, level gains, etc.



Instructors in each county will input data on their respective tabs in the workbook.

A designated person should tabulate data from county tabs and compile them in the Compilation tab.

In cells titled “Updated,” enter the dates of revisions.

Blank Documents for Replication

Anonymized MSU Data Tracking Document

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