Thorn Hill Education Center: Edtech & HIIs for GED Advancement

If we integrate high-quality online skill-building programs such as  iXL with program-level students and study buddies with corrections students in Math curriculum targeting GED® Hi Impact Indicators, would we be able to increase GED® attainment?

Product Overview

We looked at the KAERS reports and noticed a significant opportunity  for MSG’s and GED’s if Math Scores could improve. 

We know our students deficients lie mainly the area of math.  Thus, we need multiple avenues for our students’ to gain that knowledge.  With that said we are working to integrate IXL in our online strategy.

Mastery Moments

Instructors became experts with the IXL platform.  We will continue to create student accounts that can be used in the classroom and from a distance.  We are all in with the product and will continue to look for ways to motivate our students to take advantage of the skill building programs outside of the classroom.

Estill County reports that they cannot say they have mastered IXL.  They can say they work to match our students’ needs and when the student celebrates their accomplishments; we celebrate.

Messy Moments

Some counties were more familiar with the online products ( IXL) and Study Buddies than other counties.  Student participation became a challenge.

As Estill County began integrating IXL they had to explore IXL and then decide what to assign our students.  This is an ongoing process  and hopefully will get better as they gain experience.


The Student Tracking Sheet will provide the data needed to evaluate the effectiveness of our strategy.

Estill county reports that they evaluate their effectiveness when their students pass the pretests and or the GED®.

Moving Forward

Hopefully we will have an increase in enrollment in 2022.  No doubt the Covid fallout has affected the will of individuals needing the GED.  Blended learning will be our focus.  Students taking advantage outside of the classroom will be our challenge.


We will continue to listen to our students and be flexible when finding the resources that meet our students’ needs albeit it online or paper.  Generally speaking, Estill County reports, they have been in adult ed for years and one thing is certain; everything changes.