Southeast Community and Technical College: IXL and 3/4 Passers

If we target specific Math skills and provide practice on these skills via IXL along with teacher instruction to students who have completed at least 50% of their GED®, can we achieve 15 GED®s?

Product Overview

PLC Product/Strategy/Process: Locate students 50-75% finished with GED®, contact these students and encourage them to complete their GED®. Provide specific IXL Math practice inside and outside the classroom along with teacher instruction.

We chose the learning tool IXL because of its ease of use and the flexibility of its use.  Due to struggles with connectivity in our area, the ability to engage in instruction with a mobile phone is vital.  We targeted specific students and specific IXL lessons in hopes to gain 15 GED®s.

Mastery Moments

Instructors became more familiar with the IXL program and the resources it offers.  Increase in student enrollment during the increased marketing campaign.  Increase in GED®s.  Increase in Math GED® ready scores.

Messy Moments

Student engagement varied throughout the project.  High numbers in Covid cases kept some students from coming in and studying.  Reliable internet service isn’t always available.


 We looked at KAERS and GED® manager data as well as IXL data. 

  • 11  GED® Math Ready Tests Passed
  • 11  GED® Math Tests Passed
  • 12  GED®s earned.   
  • 29  students using IXL program

Moving Forward

We will continue with IXL inside and outside the classroom along with teacher instruction.  We will continue marketing on social media and throughout our community in hopes to gain more students.