Newport-Campbell County PLC 2019-2020
Learning Links Greatest Hits is an instructor-vetted compilation of content-specific resources designed to help instructors quickly locate resources to address student skill development.



There are solutions for all instructors whether they are looking for an introductory piece of “bite-sized” learning or a longer, deeper treatment of a topic to engage critical thinking.  Most topics come in at 5-10 minutes—a time-tested way to hold attention and build understanding in adult learners.  


The product addresses the fact that everything students need receive from adult education is unlikely to happen in the classroom alone.  A resource like Learning Links Greatest Hits gives instructors an additional tool to extend learning beyond the classroom and to engage students in taking responsibility for their own learning.  It can also be used to work with those students ambitious enough to want to drive their own learning.



One notably “messy” moment occurred with the “broken link” phenomenon, highlighting in a very concrete way the need for “QA/QC” oversight.  The other challenge is thinking of this project is an open-ended way—although it is “complete,” on one hand, it will always be a work in progress. The Campbell-Newport PLC members are a cohesive and creative group that have been working together for a long time.  This dynamic facilitated the quality product that came out of the work.



  • The ability to conceptualize and create a product that remained true to the original vision
  • The detailed, painstaking work that the members undertook to ensure that the final product met the QA/QC guidelines 
  • Instructors are using the product—a testament to its utility and value to this audience
  • Working with Jeff Goumas (CrowdEd Learning) to create a mobile app for students to use away from the center

Results of Product


Specific, long-term data will be available by the end of 2020. However, we plan to use

  • Instructor usage
  • Instructor testimonials
  • Instructor contributions to continue to build out the resource

The evergreen nature of the project will be its greatest challenge.  It will need a maintenance plan and a review team to check for updates and new materials as well as remove materials that become outdated.  The QA/QC work that was done for publication will need to continue for the content to remain relevant and accurate.



The product was constructed to be collaborative.  There would be no reason for another provider to replicate this product.  What would make more sense would be for additional providers to become contributors and to lend their expertise to the maintenance and upkeep of this resource.


Contact Newport Skills U program director Nichole Braun at



  1. In the interests of casting the resource net as widely as possible, Campbell-Newport invited two other PLCs to collaborate. 
  2. One instructor created a collaborative Google doc with multiple tabs. The tabs are arranged by content area plus a final tab for building test preparation skills.  Within the tabs, each content area includes the topic/test, skill, identified resource, source, and the time required. 
  3. The time commitment for students ranges from a few minutes—e.g. building vocabulary or defining terms—to almost 20 minutes for a mini, interactive lecture. 
  4. Create a Google form for students to self-report the videos they have watched.
  5. Contact Jeff Goumas at CrowdEd Learning to turn the Google Sheet into a mobile app.
  6. Contact Nichole Braun at Newport Skills U ( to help contribute to the greatest hits document.

Documents for Replication

Excel download

Learning Links Greatest Hits Excel Sheet