How Much Money Will You Need to Pay Your Bills?
by Connie Goff
Standard(s) Addressed:
CCRS: Numbers and Ratios – Level D
Employability Standard: E.8 Interact with others in a professional manner
NRS Level 4, Level 3
How Much Money Will You Need to Pay Your Bills?
by Connie Goff
Standard(s) Addressed:
CCRS: Numbers and Ratios – Level D
Employability Standard: E.8 Interact with others in a professional manner
NRS Level 4, Level 3
Students need to develop an understanding of how much money they need to make per hour from their job in order to pay all their monthly bills. Corrections students will need to understand that upon release, they will likely be forced to accept a job at a modest wage, so they will also need to make a plan to achieve higher skill levels/earn certificates and endorsements to reach higher pay levels. By planning, they can improve their future pay and standard of living.
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