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Hazard CTC Skills U Program PLC 2019-2021
Hazard CTC Innovation for 2019 included creating a virtual classroom (VC) to make real-time interactive classes accessible to GED® seekers at home, in learning centers, on personal devices, and also on computers/laptops at satellite locations including the Kentucky Career Centers, Appalachian Regional Healthcare, and public libraries in all counties. Transportation vouchers from LKLP Community Action were purchased and used (pre-pandemic) so VC students could attend a minimum of one face-to-face class each week. Technology purchased for connection points shifted to loaning laptops and tracking them with a program-created tool.



As instructors developed the virtual classroom, the national pandemic brought the need for VC to the forefront. Instructors and students began the process of teaching, learning, and testing from home. As the SKills U center was shut down, instructors were better equipped and more comfortable with distance learning due to their innovation of the Virtual Classroom.


HCTC SKills U was able to stay in contact with students and offer virtual instruction throughout the pandemic. Instructors used social media to advertise, share information and success stories. This enabled potential students to better understand the opportunities HCTC Skills U provided. Instructors used a variety of platforms and programs to find the best fit for students and instructors. Individualized and small group instruction were found to be the most successful in the VC.



  • Funding was delayed causing delay in purchasing needed items for innovation.
  • When funding was available, a complicated purchase process caused further delays.
  • Pandemic caused all locations to close. Difficult to reach students who do not have internet capabilities.
  • Storm causing power outages for weeks during pandemic made it impossible to reach students.
  • Had to cancel GED Ready Festival.
  • College limited hours. Virtual TABE and OP-GED for assessment with limited connectivity for students.
  • Students not keeping appointments due to childcare issues caused from school closings due to pandemic.
  • Students feeling stressed due to pandemic related problems such as job lay-offs and financial issues.



  1. Instructors received training in online programs such as remind, google classroom, zoom, etc.
  2. Instructors have used Facebook, remind, google classroom to engage current and new students.
  3. Instructors created a Question /Answer Session on Zoom to motivate students with ALL instructors present and available.
  4. Instructors have been able to link students to programs such as Fast Forward, Ed Ready, IXL, and NRP.
  5. Instructors have been able to link Kahn Academy to Google Classroom.
  6. Instructors and students are more comfortable in virtual classes with practice.

Results of Product


The program maintained contact with over 200 students between March 16 and April 20, 2020 but most were unable to study online due to difficulty with technology, internet access, or other pandemic related issues.




Bar graph comparing percentage of program goals met in February and April 2020. Enrolment increased from 23% to 27%; MSGs increased from 14% to 17%; GEDs increased from 18% to 24%.

DATA Spring 2020:  Gains were made in enrollment, MSGs, and GED®s between February 2020 and April 2020, despite the pandemic.

Bar graph comparing percentage of program goals met in September and November 2020. Enrollment increased from 4% to 6%; MSGs increased from 7% to 18%; GEDs increased from 5% to 8%.

DATA Fall 2020: The pandemic continued but gains were made in enrollment, MSGs, and GED®s from September 2020 to November 2020. Centers remained closed with limited time for in-person instruction throughout much of the period July – December. The virtual classroom enabled instructors to connect with students and continue instruction and assessment. Though gains were small, the ability to reach students throughout the pandemic by way of the virtual classroom was vital.

Pie chart showing percentage of students engaged in virtual learning: 31% fully online and 69% hybrid learning.

DATA: HCTC Skills U was able to transition well to online learning. February data shows less than 25% of instruction was distance learning but March brought the pandemic and increased virtual classroom time with over 50% distance learning. By November 2020, 93% of students were engaged in distance learning.



  1. Take advantage of learning opportunities and build a variety of learning options for students. Zoom and social media platforms have been very helpful.
  2. Build strong relationships with community partners. This is key for supplementing transportation vouchers.
  3. Work together and showcase the strengths of each instructor.
  4. It’s never too late to learn something new.
  5. Good communication is key to success, both with students and community partners.
  6. Technology for checkout to students.
  7. Effective online curricula that students will actually use.
Pie graph showing percent of students using online curricula: 67% with Fast Forward; 19% using IXL; 14% using New Reader's Press



Next Steps: Re-engage with Community Partners

The HCTC Skills U director, assistant director, and navigators maintained contact and received referrals from more than 20 community partners through telephone calls, video conferencing, and email which included LKLP CAP, Sperro Health, Creekside Addiction Recovery Center, Hickory Hill Recovery Center, Middle KY CAP, Carpenter’s Village Addiction Recovery Center, E-KART, FRYSC’s (all counties), Sapling Center, Libraries (all counties), Solid Ground Recovery Center, Behavioral Health Group, Primary Care Centers, Little Flowers Clinic, UK-Targeted Assessment Program, Probation and Parole, DCBS, Recovery/Drug Court (all counties) and the Kentucky Career Center-Hazard. HCTC Skills U will continue to provide instruction virtually and develop relationships with community partners in hopes to reach more students and increase enrollment, MSGs and GEDs.


Transportation Vouchers These were used to transport students to in-person classes via LKLP Community Action. Due to restrictions during the pandemic, transportation was unavailable but this service will be provided when restrictions are lifted.

Blank Documents for Replication



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Tracking sheet for the Laptop Loaner Program