Hazard Community & Technical College: IXL & Hy-Flex

If we target specific Math skills and create hyflex Math instructional hyperlink video lessons with IXL practice to use with students to improve these skills, can we achieve 15 GED®s?

Product Overview

HCTC instructors targeted the Math skills needed to pass the GED® Math test and created 4 hyflex Math lessons to use with students along with specific IXL practice lessons.  This strategy was chosen in context of the pandemic due to its flexibility to be used from any location with wifi and/or cellular data.

Mastery Moments

This project brought more collaboration to our staff.  We were able to share ideas about our video lessons and see each other’s teaching styles in these videos.  Our tracking document brought unity to our program as we were able to see each other’s successes and struggles.  This collaboration boosted our morale and motivated us to work harder to achieve more success.

Messy Moments

Student engagement was lower than we had hoped.  We were unable to track use of the videos.  Even though students voiced concern and asked for the videos, some did not complete the IXL lessons.  We also experienced low availability of testing dates at times during the project.


We looked at Math testing data from KAERS, GED® manager and IXL analytics to determine score increases and the number of tests passed.  18 students engaged in IXL Math.  Also achieved 3 MSGs in Math, 24 GED® Ready Math modules passed, 13 GED® Math modules passed and 13 GED®s earned during our project.

Moving Forward

Since lack of student engagement was a messy moment, we plan to continue strategies to reach these students. We plan to use social media to highlight student success stories and plan even more marketing campaigns.  We will continue to target and encourage students that have completed some GED® tests.  We will continue to use our hyflex video lessons and have decided to create more video lessons  for other subjects.